Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day 4 To Tervuren (100 miles approx)

Slept on the floor last night! Back a bit shot this morning. Some very kind people let us use there power last night so my phone was fairly well charged and we could use it to navigate.

A long day in the saddle today, the first section from Ypres was fairly dull as it was very flat and a very grey day. 
There were some interesting war memorials to see though. 

We made good progress up to Galmarden and I managed to get a new sleeping mat thinking we would be camping again and then John said he was good to keep going so we cracked on to try and get to Phil's (my brother inlaw) house.

The flat grey waters.

John made some new friends.

A great bridge somewhere near Rugge, they really are geared up for bikes on the continent!

We got lost in the woods near Phil's house as my phone had died again and the paper map was too big in scale. 
After cycling the last bit in the dark through the forest tracks we finally found the little village of Jezus Eik and then a bit more dark forest and we found Phil's road: Jezus Eiklaan, Tervuren at 10:30pm...... Tired.

Conversation was good today including why banana ice cream is the finest flavour and should replace chocolate ice cream in Neapolitan!

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