Saturday, July 19, 2014

Day 8 Luxembourg to Metz 56.58 miles

Dist 56.58mph ride time 4hr54mim avg speed 11.51 - hot day 36c 

We had our breakfast at te hotel Bristol, it was pretty good, the room had been hot and loud though so we didn't get much sleep. We rode out at about 8:15am and hit some nice countryside, lots of black kites now alongside the common buzzards. The road was rolling but mainly downhill, there was a big decent into Schengen (famous for the Schengen Agreement, want to know more?.....ask google [other search engines are available]) the descent was into a pretty valley completely covered in vineyards. 
Shade will be sought at all stops!

It was hot by now, we got to the river Moselle and started down its long bike track towards Thionville, at this point we cycled back into France. Goodbye Luxembourg.

There was a hot head wind coming up from the south making progress slow and tiresome. 

What I will say about this area of France is: only come here if you need to! 2 words spring to mind but I won't swear as this blog is open to all ages! 

We stopped under a tree for some fuel, a German man stopped his bike and asked us if we spoke German......nien! (Germany is on the other side of the river) Through broken French and some English from him we understood his wife was waiting 5km down river and he was looking for a bike shop as she had a flat tyre. I showed him a spare inner tube but it was the wrong sort so we said we couldn't help and he continued on to Schengen to try and find a bike shop. I felt bad we couldn't help him out.

(The Moselle.....not my number 1 river)

Unlike in Luxembourg and particularly Belg the people seem a lot more formal and moody, less happy to help, other cyclist don't tend to say hello or even aknowledge you! Now I realise I might be starting to sound anti French or a bit xenophobic, but I realise the small percentage of people we passed do not represent a whole nation! But they did reflect badly on this area! Finally a dad on bikes with his kids said bonjour!

We stopped on a green and ate an ice lolly and were just about to set off again when I noticed a lady sat reading on the other bench, her bike was upturned so I put 2 & 2 together and realised it was the nice German man's wife. John and I agreed that he would ride on a bit and I would help her.

It took some time but I fixed her puncture, she seemed very surprised at first and her English was only slightly better than My German, but with a bit of teamwork we fixed it and she was very grateful. 

This put me a long way behind John but only about 3miles on I saw him coming back down the bike track, the trail had fallen into the river and there was a diversion sign which John missed and I would of too as it was in French, so actually the German lady hadn't cost is much time at all! I feel we did the right thing!

At Thionville (very industrial-don't visit!) We passed some youths jumping into the river from a high bridge, I thought it would be a great photo for the blog: see below:
I was waiting for the guy on top to jump when they spotted me and started yelling stuff, I thought it was good natured at first and said Alez to the guy, he didn't jump and started shouting hey you mother f****r and other French expletives, his mates on mopeds started making towards me so I just said Fine and cleared off down the track, again not endearing me to the locals.
Entering Metz ..........

We were supposed to stop at a campsite way passed Metz but John was suffering in the heat and there was no way we would make it, so we have stopped at camping municipal Metz a nice campsite, by the river and fenced off with good facilities, and dirt cheap at 5€ for one tent! We tucked into chicken and chips at the campsite bar and did all the mandatory tasks. There are a nice family of Egyptian geese living on the bank by our tent.
Kayakers on the Moselle at Metz.

I realise I've gone on a bit so I'll sum up.
I'm abit worried about noise tonight, lots of youngsters who look like they are on kayaking tours. Looks great fun but I doubt they'll be early to bed!

So a hard not particularly fun day but John seems better after the food so here's to tomorrow. (x 4H)

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