Friday, July 18, 2014

Day 7 La Roche to Luxembourg. 69.21 miles

69.21 miles.  5,390 feet climbed,  average speed 10.98 mph, max speed 35.03mph.

We left the campsite early doors it looked like another pearler of a day so we tried to get some miles in before the heat. 

As we left La Roche we hit a pretty monster hill up out of the valley it went on for over a mile. The cool morning air really helped though.

We had only eaten 1 pan au chocolate each for breakfast so at Bastonge we hit the Carrefour big time! We tucked into various pastries and a baguette I also consumed 3 yogurts as I could only get a 4 pack. 
Before we ate we laid out our gear on the grass outside the shop, as the river valley had made it all wet,we must have looked a scene to passers by. 

After Bastonge we entered a little village on the belg/lux border and it had this beautiful little fountain with deep troughs of cold running water, I needed no invitation: my feet went straight in, probably not the done thing but I couldn't give a monkeys.

We hit a lovely bike track for a while through what looked like a national parc, I saw a red backed shrike, black and red kites and a honey buzzard (the shrike and HB are 2 if my all time favs).

It was a very hilly day and we didn't manage to get as far as planned before lunch and then couldn't find a shop to buy cold drinks. John was struggling with the heat by 2pm and it was important we tried to stop, finally not far outside Luxembourg City we saw a garage and stocked up on drinks. 

I strung the hammock I'm some woods near by and Mindham lay on the groundsheet and I was gone for at least an hour. Annoyingly I dreamt about work.....of all things! 

We hit the road again at 5pm another monster hill!! We stopped at a bar for John to cool down again and got chatting to a guy from Manchester (originally) who's lived here 30 years, he even offered us his back garden at one point but we declined. Maybe we should have said yes!

Another monster hill! Then down, down, down into Lux. As we entered the suburbs john tried to pull onto the pavement and took a tumble (don't worry Nicky he's ok!) he fell because the panniers are so heavy and once past a certain point you're gone! He is a bit scratched up but fine.

After that and also due to the heat I tried to convince John to look for a hotel with me! We tried a posh hotel and the man behind the desk was about to look for available rooms when his manager (the lady to his right) said sharply "no sorry we don't have any for tonight" I reckon she took one look at grubby old me with flies in my teeth and thought no chance! 

Luckily just a few doors away stood hotel Bristol! And suitably it was cheaper and less bothered about appearances. The man on reception let us lock our bikes in the carpark and we were in, twin room, nothing glam but cheap with breakfast and a proper bed. Probably doesn't work out as too much more than a campsite when you factor in the breakfast!

After a shower John hit the sack to recover and I walked round Luxembourg for an hour at sunset to take it in, nice city, very rich, lots of Ferraris etc but a nice vibe.  The crevasse in the centre with the city wall on top is a site to behold.

I have sat outside a bar had a beer and a burger and watched the city go by, shame john couldn't join me as this actually feels like a holiday at this point! 
An eventful day. X

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